Tag: Catapult

  • No valid licenses found

    If you’re trying to launch Muk3D and get an error message that there are no available licenses, this could be due to several reasons.  The message you’ll see is shown below. You may also see a license selector, but all licenses are dark red.  (If you only have a single configuration type, you may not…

  • Requesting a temporary Muk3D license

    As of v2020.1 of Catapult, temporary licenses for Muk3D need to be requested through Catapult.  Once you’ve installed Catapult on your computer, you can request an evaluation (temporary) license by running Licensing/Request evaluation license. This will generate an email with your login name and PC name, and this can be sent to licensing@muk3d.com. Once this…

  • Installing Muk3D

    Installing Muk3D

    The downloadable Installation and User interface guide can be found below: What do I need to install? If you’ve never had Muk3D on your computer The first package to install is Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 SP1(x64) runtime.  This is needed otherwise Muk3D will be unable to launch and you’ll see error messages referencing Windows SxS…